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Kai Merikal, a twenty-two-year-old from Wisconsin, will be teaching fourth graders in Newark, New Jersey beginning in September. Below she shares her reasons for joining Teach for America.
10. I didn't get into law school... yet.
9. I want to be sainted.
8. I believe that if teachers just expect their students to learn, they will.
7. How hard could teaching really be?
6. Because I'm blind to the long-term consequences of my actions.
5. My other temp job didn't offer health insurance.
4. I ran out of things to blog about.
3. Two TFA years qualify me to head up just about any school district that education reformers
can get their hands on.
2. It's the only way I could get TFA recruiters to stop calling and emailing me.
1. The kids I'm going to teach are already so screwed up, how much harm can having
an untrained teacher do?
Kai Merikal, a twenty-two-year-old from Wisconsin, will be teaching fourth graders in Newark, New Jersey beginning in September. Below she shares her reasons for joining Teach for America.
10. I didn't get into law school... yet.
9. I want to be sainted.
8. I believe that if teachers just expect their students to learn, they will.
7. How hard could teaching really be?
6. Because I'm blind to the long-term consequences of my actions.
5. My other temp job didn't offer health insurance.
4. I ran out of things to blog about.
3. Two TFA years qualify me to head up just about any school district that education reformers
can get their hands on.
2. It's the only way I could get TFA recruiters to stop calling and emailing me.
1. The kids I'm going to teach are already so screwed up, how much harm can having
an untrained teacher do?